What are Essential Oils
Feb 23, 2020
Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. if you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or the smell of fresh cut mint, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils
Essential oils are non water-based phytochemicals made up of volatile organic compounds. although they are fat soluble, they do not include fatty lipids or acids found in vegetable and animal oils.β
βThey are very clean, almost crisp, to the touch and are immediately absorbed by the skin. pure, unadulterated essential oils are translucent and range in color from crystal clear to deep blue.
βIn addition to giving plants their distinctive smells, essential oils provide plants with protection against predators and disease and play a role in plant pollination.
βSign for your own Wellness Advocate wholesale account with Agia Tera Kaur.
Talk with Agia Tera Kaur to find the best oils for you.
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